ESG Policies

ESG Policies



Environmental, Social, and Governance Values [ESG] Values

ESG Governance

Our executive management team oversees the  policies and procedure controls for environmental, health, safety, and social risks.  This team meets regularly to set goals and budgets, implement strategy, and monitor results.  


ESG Commitment 

At DCO Energy, we are committed to building sustainable, healthy, equitable, and diverse communities where we work and live through a combination of economic development, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.  This commitment extends to our clients, employees, and communities by operating ESG programs that strengthen the communities in which we work.  



[ESG] Values

DCO Energy, LLC is committed to managing environmental impact as an integral part of our operations. It is our policy to always ensure the environmental integrity of our processes, projects, and facilities. We will adhere to the following principles:


Minimize Waste

We will employ management procedures designed to minimize the use of hazardous materials, energy, and other natural resources, to minimize the generation of waste, while enabling recycling and reuse of materials.


Seek Opportunities

We will  seek opportunities to improve our environmental performance by establishing objectives and targets, measuring progress, and reporting the results; including but not limited to: energy, water, paper,  fuel consumption, and vehicle miles traveled.


Promote Responsibly

We will communicate our commitment to responsible environmental management by:

  • Promoting environmental responsibility among our employees 
  • Providing the necessary training and support to enable our employees to implement this policy 
  • Promoting virtual working technology to reduce non-essential business travel
  • Complying with all applicable environmental regulations and client environmental compliance expectations 
  • Soliciting input from our employees, suppliers, and customers, and communities



DCO Energy, LLC seeks to protect and maintain the quality of the environment, create and promote environmental awareness among its employees, clients, and the communities in which it operates. Accordingly, employees must:

  • Operate in compliance with environmental laws and regulations
  • Promptly report environmental violations to management
  • Consider opportunities to improve environmental programs

Employees should direct any reports of actual or potential environmental violations, or  questions about responsibilities or Company Policies in these areas, to their supervisor, The Director of Environmental services, an HR representative, or a Company Executive.


Environmental Awareness

Environmental awareness requires being informed about our natural surroundings and understanding how our actions affect the well-being of our local and global environments. We are committed to fostering environmental awareness by:

  • Providing detailed environmental awareness training applicable to the scope  of our projects
  • Seeking opportunities to create best management practices for environmental stewardship
  • Sharing environmental  practices and accomplishments with our contracting partners, clients, and other industry representatives


Energy Efficiency

As a professional services provider, most of the emissions controlled by DCO Energy activities are associated with  Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions. 

DCO is dedicated to reducing these emissions through the implementation of cutting-edge techniques, fostering innovation, and optimizing energy-efficient operations. Our commitment includes:

  • Sustained operation at peak energy efficiency levels
  • Prioritizing regular equipment maintenance
  • Implementing energy-efficient system upgrades whenever available


Social Promise

DCO’s community outreach initiative was designed to develop one of our core beliefs – a solid commitment to  enrich  the communities in which we work through service, education, career opportunities, and mentorship. 


Competitive Edge

Competitive Edge provides a unique workforce opportunity that enriches underserved communities. This initiative allows our partnered companies, customers, and communities to work side by side to identify concerns that are at times overlooked in workforce development. Our mission is to implement  social responsibility policies that expand opportunities for those in our communities that may have faced cultural displacement . Competitive Edge consists of multiple outreach components such as: a DEI council, train-to-hire programs, education assistance, and SBE/WBE/MBE support.


Culture, Engagement & Growth

We aim to continuously enrich our employer-to-employee engagement by embedding grassroots efforts into our Company’s culture and the communities that we serve. We foster an engaging work environment by providing opportunities for all employees to contribute to our Company’s measured data. At our Town Hall meetings, DCO Energy presents opportunities for employees to share both advantages and adversities currently trending throughout our organization and community.  In addition, we host dinners for our training program graduates to discuss room for growth in our community outreach initiative following their career placement, along with company-wide events and fundraisers that openly highlight the overall mission of Competitive Edge. Additionally, we provide   training opportunities for our employees to experience  growth in career trajectories.


Health & Safety

Health, safety, and employee well-being are top priorities at DCO Energy. Management is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and communities. We follow through on this commitment by providing a comprehensive benefits package, including wellness services and continuous safety training for all employees. On our project sites, we plan safety into our tasks and project management c. Many of our site managers have complete OSHA training, and all receive periodic safety newsletters and participate in monthly online safety training.  All work orders begin with execution and documentation of a Job Safety Analysis for the specific task being performed to identify potential hazards and the appropriate safety precautions.


Diversity & Inclusion

To achieve a distinguished, diverse, and inclusive workplace, we utilize equity as our foundation. Through ongoing research, we identify problem areas in our industry and cross-reference them with issues in our community. This allows us to create lanes of opportunity for education assistance and career advancement for those that  face economic hardship. A wide range of experiences shape our relationships, work styles, and business decisions that inform our internal practices, policies, and processes. Our organization  maintains an open-door policy that assists in reducing implicit workplace biases.


Philanthropy and Volunteering

Prioritizing people has always been a core commitment of DCO Energy.  The Company, managers, and employees volunteer in our communities through various non-profits as well as drive giving campaigns.  In 2022, DCO Energy contributed over $100,000 to non-profits.  Some of the  programs sponsored this year include:  The FARM Team, Choose NJ, Youth Advocate Programs, Caucus Educational Corporation, Pack 12 Cub Scouts, Move Over Breast Cancer, and the Auxiliary of Robert Wood.  


Governance Approach

Governance is essential to preserving the integrity of our ESG program.  Therefore, DCO Energy, LLC applies Company governance and will comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations to adhere to our values and principles mentioned here within.  



DCO Energy, LLC is a subsidiary of Joseph Jingoli and Son, Inc., a 105-year-old privately held New Jersey-based firm. This team is a talented mix of engineers, trade supervisors, experienced project managers, military veterans and utility line workers.  We take a combination approach to hold executive management accountable and empower employees to be accountable for the success of our Corporate Governance Guidelines and ultimately the success of our business. The executive management team will continue to oversee and ensure its responsibilities and serve in the best interest of our clients, employees, and community. 



The Company encourages managers and employees to conduct business according to the highest ethical standards.  We are committed to providing a fair working environment for employees and championing good business with clients.  The DCO Employee Policies govern and provide compliance and ethics of these standards and encouraging employees to do the right thing.  Our Compliance Policies include:  

  • Equal Employment Opportunity
  • Affirmative Action
  • Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment
  • Anti-retaliation
  • Whistleblower
  • Conflict of Interest/Outside Employment 
  • Code of Ethics
  • Confidential Nature of Work
  • Service on Outside Boards / Commissions
  • Political Contributions
  • Media Relations