Rutgers Cancer InstItute of New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
RCINJ Converter Station Site Preparation
EPC Contractor, Operate & Maintain
Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health (RWJBH) is in the development of the new Jack & Sheryl Morris Cancer Pavilion in partnership with Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. The new Cancer Pavilion is in excess of 600,000 feet.
DCO worked in concert with New Brunswick Development Company and RWJBH on the development of and is the EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contractor for and operator of the central utility plant (CUP) that will provide heat, cooling, electricity, and emergency power for the new RCINJ Cancer Pavilion. The CUP is a fully resilient microgrid and will provide energy services to satisfy the thermal and electric energy requirements of the facility, including:
- Natural Gas reciprocating engine CHP (2 MW of resilient power generation in microgrid configuration)
- Heat recovery
- Electricity (total of 9.5 MW of electric capacity)
- Chilled Water (3,680 tons)
- Steam (49,400 lbs/hour)
- Emergency Diesel Backup Generation (5 MW)
- Natural gas Peak shaving/emergency generator with heat recovery (2.5 MW)